
Look on the Bright Side

Look on the Bright Side

Like everyone else, I’m dealing with this pandemic the best I can. We’re all in this together after all…ok, except for the people that refuse to wear masks and social distance, because it’s a hoax. Then there are the people who won’t wear masks because,
“Themz takin away minze freedom.”
Ok, so we’re not all in this together. If we were it wouldn’t be spreading as much. Forget what I said.

I’m trying to look for some of the positives.
For example, you don’t have to worry about your appearance. You’re not going anywhere, so who cares? I have a big sauce stain on my shirt from Sunday and I’m wearing it again today. Why waste laundry when nobody is going to see me? Ok, my wife keeps making comments about it but, I’ve learned to ignore her. There’s something I’ve gained from spending 24 hours a day together.
That’s just me. She told me it took her 15 minutes to decide what to wear to work yesterday.
She works across the hall from our bedroom. I’m not making this up.

You have an excuse for not helping friends move.
“I really don’t feel comfortable touching your stuff.”

We don’t have to go to weddings. Not only that but, how many couples had to postpone getting married only to find out you couldn’t stand each other anyway? See, positive.

You have an excuse for not going to church. This doesn’t apply to me, I don’t go anyway but, some of you feel obligated. I thought God was everywhere. Apparently, not on the weekends.

When this is all over, I’m switching religions. I’m going from Catholic to Evangelical. The Catholic Church is just boring ceremonies. Evangelicals are having orgies. Which one sounds like it’s more fun?

Lastly, even though I have nowhere to be, when I drive I’m going way over the speed limit. I haven’t seen many people getting pulled over. Even if they do pull me over, I’m ready for them. Even if they’re wearing a mask, I’m not putting one on.

“Sorry Officer, I was only out for a drive and didn’t bring one.”
Then I’ll start coughing and hacking and say,

“Is it really hot? I’m burning up. I think I may have a fever.”
If they still don’t get the hint,
“I need your license, registration and proof of insurance.”
“Sorry Officer, I really prefer you don’t touch my things. I don’t need your cooties in my car.”

See, find the positive in all of this…Oh, who the hell am I kidding? This is so aggravating.


The President and the Alien Doctor

The President and the Alien Doctor


Under normal circumstances the title of this article would suggest either a movie or a Syfy novel. Of course these are anything but normal times. We are right in the middle of the Goon’s Parade.

I use that term because it was the name of a book idea I had a few years ago. I scrapped it because it just seemed too unbelievable. It was about a game show host that ran for President.

Sound familiar?

Anyway, through a lot of smoke and mirrors and false promises, he actually wins.

Sound familiar?

Then he almost destroys the country because he doesn’t know what he’s doing. That’s when his followers turn against him…

Yeah I know…that’s now the part that’s unbelievable.

So, let’s take a look at the latest chapter in the story. Donald Trump, who is currently in the role of president, has been trying to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He’s served under five former Presidents…and I’m sure he really misses all of them.

Dr. Fauci is also one of the heads of the Corona Virus task force. So, what is Trump’s problem with him?

For starters, his approval rating is higher than the Village Idiot and this upsets Trump because,

  1. He’s a sociopath that suffers from acute narcissism.


  1. He’s a sociopath that suffers from acute narcissism.

[Read more…]


Enough Already (Part 2)

Enough Already (Part 2)


Yeah, I know, I said I wasn’t going to do anything else political. It’s just the fact this moron supplies so much comedy material.

It’s not just him…it’s his cult. They just don’t see what’s obvious. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced…Usually a cult is recruited and brain washed. People looking for a better direction in life give their minds and souls to a sociopath selling them salvation.

Outside of human shit like Joel Osteen, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker and the like, I’ve never seen people taken advantage by an idiot on television the way it’s happened the last four years.

When last we left, countries led by an actual leader were getting the virus under control while it was surging here in the United States.

A week later, countries with leaders are opening up carefully and safely while things are out of control here.

What’s the difference? Say it with me,

“Donald Trump.”

I know his cult will never believe that “Dear Leader” can make any mistakes.

The weird thing is, all you have to do is pay attention to him and you can see he’s a complete imbecile. It’s easy to do. If that doesn’t work, check his track record…lifelong failures. The son of a bitch bankrupted four casinos…where the house wins…that’s a special kind of stupid.

An old friend of mine posted how the virus was created by the Democrats in conjunction with China, just to take down the Village Idiot.

This is what they believe.

This is where we are right now,

“Enough already.”

Anyway, the latest is, Trump is trying to discredit Dr. Fauci, a man of science, because he’s not saying the virus is getting better.

So…where do we get our information on whether or not we should wear masks?

That was answered in North Carolina when a fat piece of trailer trash told people wearing masks that they were

“Democrat Mother F…ers”

“Black Lives Matter Mother F…ers.”

Do you see where we are now? The racist and simple minded feel empowered because one of their own is in the White House. Those of us with the ability to understand what we are seeing and reading are now the “Elites.”

You know, people who no better are now looked down on because we’re not dumb enough to believe in conspiracy theories.

This is where we are now.

If you’re asking yourselves where we get the answers about what we can do to control this nasty virus and get back to normal, like countries with leaders, what can we do?

No worries, Trump has it figured out. You might remember him from the Alabama Hurricane.

Since he doesn’t like the actual facts given to us by Dr. Fauci, The Village Idiot has turned to another source.

Apparently, Chuck Woolery tweeted that this is all nothing but a manufactured hoax and the man who is supposedly president, agrees with him. I don’t know if it’s just game show hosts sticking together or if Trump is really this stupid…Ok, you know the answer,

“Trump is really this stupid.”

So, we have nothing to worry about. Chuck Woolery has the answers to the virus.

This is where we are right now.

Enough already.

Enough Already (Part 2)


Yeah, I know, I said I wasn’t going to do anything else political. It’s just the fact this moron supplies so much comedy material.

It’s not just him…it’s his cult. They just don’t see what’s obvious. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced…Usually a cult is recruited and brain washed. People looking for a better direction in life give their minds and souls to a sociopath selling them salvation.

Outside of human shit like Joel Osteen, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker and the like, I’ve never seen people taken advantage by an idiot on television the way it’s happened the last four years.

When last we left, countries led by an actual leader were getting the virus under control while it was surging here in the United States.

A week later, countries with leaders are opening up carefully and safely while things are out of control here.

What’s the difference? Say it with me,

“Donald Trump.”

I know his cult will never believe that “Dear Leader” can make any mistakes.

The weird thing is, all you have to do is pay attention to him and you can see he’s a complete imbecile. It’s easy to do. If that doesn’t work, check his track record…lifelong failures. The son of a bitch bankrupted four casinos…where the house wins…that’s a special kind of stupid.

An old friend of mine posted how the virus was created by the Democrats in conjunction with China, just to take down the Village Idiot.

This is what they believe.

This is where we are right now,

“Enough already.”

[Read more…]


Enough Already

Enough Already



  1. A silly, foolish, or eccentric person
  2. A bully or thug, especially one hired to terrorize or do away with the opposition.

Sound like anyone you know? For those of us not part of the cult, we have witnessed this on a daily basis for the last three and a half years. Normally, I don’t go political here, but enough already.

While all other countries have been able to drop the curve of this virus, we are seeing record numbers of new cases every day. What could possibly be the difference? C’mon, you know the answer,

“Donald Trump.”

Don’t say,

“We have more cases because there’s more testing.”

There’s more testing because more people are being exposed to it. There would be less cases if people would wear masks and take precaution if somebody didn’t tell them it was all a hoax. Who said that you ask? C’mon, you know the answer,

“Donald Trump.”

The current person in the White House…I just can’t bring myself to call him president, is supposed to work for the people he represents. This would be news to Trump. He works for one person and one person only, himself.

Trump shows on a daily basis how he feels about this pandemic. It’s an inconvenience that keeps him from doing his rallies. The ones in front of his base. Trailer Trash he would never want anywhere near Mara Largo.

He even seems to have moved beyond the pandemic and is now working hard to stir up racial division.

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