

Super Spreading Santa

Super Spreading Santa


With the Virus reaching new highs every day, we’ve been instructed to stay away from large gatherings during the holidays this year. We’re not supposed to even get together with family this year. That’s why it makes no sense to let a stranger come wandering around our homes.

If he’s not coming this year, I haven’t heard anything. As far as I know, he’s still planning to make his annual trip around the globe. A trip that can end up infecting all of us but, does he care?

By the time Santa reaches the United States, he’ll be a flaming hot ball of corona, infecting everything he touches. Oh, you can say he’s magic and immune from the virus. That doesn’t mean he won’t be able to spread the nasty germs wherever he goes.

Do you really think he’s going to remember to be cautious in each house? I don’t know about kids today but, we were taught Santa would rather be left alcohol opposed to milk and cookies. After 40 or 50 drinks, do you think he’s going to be thinking about wearing a mask? Hell, I doubt he’ll even be wearing pants at this point.

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Who Needs Ghosts?

Who Needs Ghosts?


It’s been two years since I last did my annual ghost hunt prior to Halloween. Last year my schedule was too hectic to squeeze it in. Oh, the good old days when I was busy.

This year it’s the whole pandemic thing. I didn’t know what the rules are about going into haunted places. How many are allowed inside? Does that include the ghosts? Will the ghosts agree to social distancing? Are they anti-mask? There was just too much involved.

The last one was Larimer Mansion and we were getting constant activity. I captured video of a shadow figure. I didn’t see it as I was filming. My camera went blurry and when I reviewed the video, it was there.

A week before we went, a local radio station had gone to this location. One of the DJ’s, I’m not telling you who…Ok, I’ll give you a hint…Name of a chewing gum,


Anyway, they told us he went into the basement and started provoking.

“C’mon if you’re here, show me…do something to me!”

Then he let out a shriek like a little girl.

When he lifted his shirt it revealed a big scratch on his back. You can’t say he wasn’t asking for it. I feel you should treat ghosts like you would any other dead person…or treat them the way you would want dead people to treat you…something like that.

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Not Funny and Time Slips Away

Not Funny and Time Slips Away


If you’re not aware, I’m older than I was when last we spoke. Maybe you’re one of the friends who sent me birthday wishes. I can’t believe how many friends I have and I appreciate them remembering me…I also can’t believe how many friends I don’t know who the hell they are or remember how I know them.

Birthdays are not a big deal for me, especially as I get older. When you’re a kid you look forward to them. You even add the half year to your age. Remember being ten and a half? Yeah, nobody’s ever been fifty-five and a half.

I’m at the point now that I stay the same age until that stupid clock strikes midnight on August 4 and my wife tells me happy birthday…Don’t remind me.

Normally I would have a show on or right around my birthday. It takes my mind off getting older and I really enjoy performing…Used to anyway. It’s been a long time.

I did a few minutes hosting the graduation show for my latest class…the one I’m calling the Covid-class.

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Thanks for the Memories (Father’s Day)

Thanks for the Memories (Father’s Day)


I was driving home on what used to be 60, now 376…actually 376 business extension, near where the airport used to be. Yes, I’m old enough to remember the airport that was here before the airport. Yes, there were jets…yes, we sat inside the plane… No they didn’t have to crank them…Shut Up!

Anyway, I was passing a slow moving vehicle that was in the right lane…That’s where you’re supposed to be if you’re not doing the speed limit by the way. I know that doesn’t apply to those of you from Ohio, but that’s the way we do it here.

As I look in my rear view mirror I see a car speeding up behind me. After I pass the car on my right, I pull into the right lane and let them fly by. They pass me and move over into my lane, there’s a red light ahead. They stop and I stop behind them.

It’s a Porsche SUV…yeah, I don’t know why either. It’s like getting a Harley scooter. The light turns green and they speed ahead…I don’t know, maybe the kids are waiting to get picked up from Soccer practice…Is there Soccer practice now? Can you socially distance playing soccer?

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