
Not Funny and Time Slips Away

Not Funny and Time Slips Away


If you’re not aware, I’m older than I was when last we spoke. Maybe you’re one of the friends who sent me birthday wishes. I can’t believe how many friends I have and I appreciate them remembering me…I also can’t believe how many friends I don’t know who the hell they are or remember how I know them.

Birthdays are not a big deal for me, especially as I get older. When you’re a kid you look forward to them. You even add the half year to your age. Remember being ten and a half? Yeah, nobody’s ever been fifty-five and a half.

I’m at the point now that I stay the same age until that stupid clock strikes midnight on August 4 and my wife tells me happy birthday…Don’t remind me.

Normally I would have a show on or right around my birthday. It takes my mind off getting older and I really enjoy performing…Used to anyway. It’s been a long time.

I did a few minutes hosting the graduation show for my latest class…the one I’m calling the Covid-class.

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No Tricks, No Treats

No Tricks, No Treats


Its Halloween night, so of course we’re watching Christmas specials. The Halloween shows were over by the end of July.

You couldn’t have picked a better night for Halloween. Eerie looking sky, a chill in the air, wind howling through the trees to make it scarier. The kind of trick or treating you always remember.

Not these kids…No, there was a chance of rain so they postponed trick or treat until Saturday afternoon…You know, it’s still light out, nothing’s going to pop out and scare you…Not only that but it’ll be November 2 and I’m supposed to pretend like it’s Halloween. I guess I can’t even light the Christmas tree. You want to make it feel like it’s the right time of year.

These kids are going to grow up to be the biggest bunch of wimps the world has ever seen. I know it’s not all of the parents who are over protective. It’s just the ones that are, have the biggest mouths and try to inflict their rules on everybody else.

In these PC times, what costumes are even acceptable? The easiest thing for us was to put on some old ragged clothes, make a beard and dirt out of burned cork, and go as a bum. The more creative kids put a bottle of soda in a paper bag and went as a “Drunken Bum.”

Would the parents of today send their children out as a homeless person? Better yet, a homeless person with an alcohol abuse problem. It’s a shame the way they coddle these children.

Oh, and the worst parents of all are the ones worried about having an allergy free trick or treat.

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Wedding From Hell

Wedding From Hell


Since we’re getting close to Halloween I figured I would base these articles on things that are frightening, scary and horrifying…yeah, I guess they’re all pretty much the same thing. But, could I get you to shell out twenty-five bucks admission to my haunted house or mansion if it was only one of those?

We were invited to a wedding…I won’t tell you if they were friends, family, what side of the family…because I will probably see these people again.

The Catholic Mass started at 4 o’clock. Yes, I know the words Catholic and Mass are scary together. Did you not see what I’m doing here?

You kind of have to attend the mass. You can’t just show up for the fun part and not expect people to bad mouth you. That’s where they get you.

Anyway, if you’ve ever sat through a Catholic Mass, you know they are usually long and boring. This one did not disappoint. Not only did we have to deal with the usual rituals…You know, the standing, kneeling, occasional sitting, listening to people with horrible voices sing, shaking hands with strangers…applying Purel…

What made this different, was this Priest thought he was entertaining. I’ve been in the presence of an occasional Priest with a sense of humor. They are few and far between…This guy was really far between.

On the few occasions as an adult when I am forced to attend Mass, I always appreciate it when they can keep it under an hour. Fifty minutes, say goodnight and leave them wanting more.

This guy stretched the Mass out to one hour twenty minutes…and it wasn’t a good hour and twenty. He started telling this story about a woman he knows or used to know…I can’t tell you, I blanked out right away.

I blame the few people who chuckled at something he said early on. I don’t know if they were pity laughs or if they thought this guy actually works for God and were kissing up. They couldn’t have thought he was funny.

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Too Soon!

Too Soon!


Stopped into the local Market District on Monday and was confronted by a huge Frankenstein sign, pitching Halloween Candy. In case you don’t remember, Monday was August 13. There were still 18 days left in August, another 30 in September and then 30 more in October before Halloween.

The sign said that it was time to stock up on Halloween Candy because it’s right around the corner. When did almost three months become right around the corner? Why are they pressuring me to buy candy that I normally get the day before Halloween?

I think they know, if I buy the candy now, it’s not going to make it to Halloween. One of these hot summer nights…yes, it’s still summer…Anyway, one of these nights I’m going to have a craving for a mini-Snickers or small bag of M&M’s, maybe a Twix…Definitely not a Three Musketeers. I give that crap to the kids.

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