Not Funny and Time Slips Away
If you’re not aware, I’m older than I was when last we spoke. Maybe you’re one of the friends who sent me birthday wishes. I can’t believe how many friends I have and I appreciate them remembering me…I also can’t believe how many friends I don’t know who the hell they are or remember how I know them.
Birthdays are not a big deal for me, especially as I get older. When you’re a kid you look forward to them. You even add the half year to your age. Remember being ten and a half? Yeah, nobody’s ever been fifty-five and a half.
I’m at the point now that I stay the same age until that stupid clock strikes midnight on August 4 and my wife tells me happy birthday…Don’t remind me.
Normally I would have a show on or right around my birthday. It takes my mind off getting older and I really enjoy performing…Used to anyway. It’s been a long time.
I did a few minutes hosting the graduation show for my latest class…the one I’m calling the Covid-class.