
Goodbye 2020

Hey 2020…Bite Me!


Usually, on the last day of the year, I reflect on the year gone by. Looking back at the good times, accomplishments and hopefully not too many bad times. Not this year baby. 2020 can kiss my ass goodbye!

Never has there been a year more despised than you. We celebrated and welcomed you in and look how you treated us. Had we known in advance we could have skipped the champagne toasts and just flipped you the finger.

You started off OK. We had a mild January with little snow. The Groundhog promised us an early spring, things were looking good. Then you turned on us and it was vicious.

It came on so fast that I wasn’t prepared. By the time I went searching for it, the idiots had bought enough toilet paper to last them until 2030. Then the tissues, paper towels and napkins disappeared. People were going to have some way of wiping themselves.

Then, when I couldn’t even find furnace filters, I knew we were in desperate times…seriously people? I mean…wasn’t that kind of rough?

You shut us down, made us wear masks, and kept us from seeing family members…OK, that part wasn’t so bad.

We couldn’t touch our faces. We were sanitizing and washing our hands while singing happy birthday to ourselves, twice. Before this year, if you walked into a restroom and saw a guy singing happy birthday to himself, you would have walked back out. Hold it in until he left and then you could sing to yourself.

I’m at the point now, if I use a public restroom, I wash my hands before I urinate. My thinking is, what if I contaminate my penis? Then later, I might touch my penis and then my face. Or, on the right occasions, my wife might touch my penis and then my face…OK, there’s a better chance of me doing it myself…But, there’s always that hope.

Also, don’t look into this as some kind of weird thing we do in the Knight House. I was just trying to make a point of not wanting the virus on my penis.

We stopped saying “goodbye” or “see you” and replaced it with “be safe.” Before 2020 if you said goodnight and heard “Be Safe,” you would have responded,

“What does that mean? What do you think I’m going to do?”

Alcohol sales skyrocketed because 2020 wasn’t the kind of year anybody wanted to hang around with sober. You were annoying and a pain to be with. I know you don’t care that I say that. You’re not the kind of year with any feelings.

When we shut down in March, it was supposed to be for twenty one days. I thought I would be back to performing no later than May. But you were ruthless 2020. It just kept getting worse.

Things might not have been as bad if people had listened to science instead of the “My Pillow Guy.” Of course we had no leadership during all of this. Just a hapless buffoon telling us to drink bleach.

It’s bad enough that you’ve kept me from what I love most, performing, but now 2020, you’re starting to enter my dreams. The other night I wouldn’t get on a crowded elevator because…well, it was crowded and nobody was wearing a mask.

Obviously, the people in my dream weren’t taking the pandemic seriously. I may be overly cautious in my sleep. I don’t think you can catch the virus in a dream. It’s not like Freddy Krueger is it?

You can’t be too careful, even when you sleep. I mean, when are you more likely to let your guard down and touch your penis and then your face?

Let’s end this now 2020. I don’t want to see or hear about you anymore. Getting rid of you is like ending a horrible relationship. Nobody here is going to miss you. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass…as a matter of fact, bend over and I’ll use my boot instead.


Yeah, Here’s Your Resolution!

Yeah, Here’s Your Resolution!


Wow, 2020…sounds like a great name for a TV show…Yeah, I know…Shut up…You try to write this crap.

So do you have your list of resolutions to break in the New Year? Seriously, how many have you ever kept? So why do you keep doing it? Maybe the problem is, you’re making the wrong resolutions.

First, don’t make resolutions that are impossible to keep. I remember one year I decided I would be more tolerable of others. Yeah, right…I don’t think I was five minutes out of the house when that one was broken.

It was then I decided most of these morons are deserving of my disdain.

You should also avoid resolutions that will screw you. For example, two years ago I vowed to be more financially responsible in the New Year.

That’s just asking for something to go wrong.

January 2 the furnace broke and the next day the garage door opener died. We weren’t even a week into the year and I was bleeding money. I couldn’t help but think at the time,

“If I had decided to be more financially responsible a year earlier. I would have money set aside for this rainy day.”

Of course, that would have just made things break a year earlier. Do you see how this works?

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Strange New Year (Conclusion)

Strange New Year (Part Two)


We had just been thrown out of the party and the snow was coming down heavier than before. We were in a residential neighborhood, on foot and it was ten to midnight. We would be bringing in the New Year outside, covered in snow.

It was too early for us to go home, so we needed a destination. Somebody suggested “Rudy’s,” an old man bar about a mile and a half away. The walk was downhill so we all agreed. We hadn’t gotten very far when we heard the shattering glass. G had dropped what was left of his half gallon of rum.

“Aw…bummer man.”

It was twelve thirty when we finally got out of the snow and into the warm dinge of Rudy’s. There were a few old guys staring at television and an older lady in a dress that greeted us with,

“Who needs a lei?”

Then she put lei’s around each of our necks. Yeah, none of us found it that amusing either.

When your nineteen, you have a tendency to just go with the flow and not think about how it will affect you later. Going to Rudy’s had taken some of us even farther from home. For me, it was about the same. It just wouldn’t be all downhill.

The guys from Island Heights on the other hand, we’re looking at around seven steep, uphill miles.

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Strange New Year (Part One)

Strange New Year

Part One


I was nineteen years old on this New Year’s Eve and it was the second year in a row that my friends and I had been thrown out of a party before midnight. There were a lot of missed midnight celebrations ahead for me. Those were my decisions.

After my shows would end on New Year’s Eve, I would hurry to get home and lock myself inside before the asylums opened and the lunatic’s escaped. The safest time to be on the road that night is at 12 O’clock.

There was a heavy snow this particular New Year’s Eve and we were forced to head out on foot. We had been invited to a few parties and would have to pick the one within walking distance. A good friend of mine had invited me to a party at her house. She said I could bring all of my friends except one.

“No G!”

Now, how do you tell a friend they’re not invited to a party? Especially, when he’s in the group walking to the door with you. I figured we would hide him in the back and maybe she wouldn’t notice. She was smiling brightly when she opened the door and then she saw him standing there.

“You brought him?”

My hope she wouldn’t notice gone, I assured her,

“He’ll be fine.”

Words I would later regret.

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Strange New Year (Conclusion)

Strange New Year (Part Two)


We had just been thrown out of the party and the snow was coming down heavier than before. We were in a residential neighborhood, on foot and it was ten to midnight. We would be bringing in the New Year outside, covered in snow.

It was too early for us to go home, so we needed a destination. Somebody suggested “Rudy’s,” an old man bar about a mile and a half away. The walk was downhill so we all agreed. We hadn’t gotten very far when we heard the shattering glass. G had dropped what was left of his half gallon of rum.

“Aw…bummer man.”

It was twelve thirty when we finally got out of the snow and into the warm dinge of Rudy’s. There were a few old guys staring at television and an older lady in a dress that greeted us with,

“Who needs a lei?”

Then she put lei’s around each of our necks. Yeah, none of us found it that amusing either.

When your nineteen, you have a tendency to just go with the flow and not think about how it will affect you later. Going to Rudy’s had taken some of us even farther from home. For me, it was about the same. It just wouldn’t be all downhill.

The guys from Island Heights on the other hand, we’re looking at around seven steep, uphill miles.

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