Archives for December 2018


Strange New Year (Part One)

Strange New Year

Part One


I was nineteen years old on this New Year’s Eve and it was the second year in a row that my friends and I had been thrown out of a party before midnight. There were a lot of missed midnight celebrations ahead for me. Those were my decisions.

After my shows would end on New Year’s Eve, I would hurry to get home and lock myself inside before the asylums opened and the lunatic’s escaped. The safest time to be on the road that night is at 12 O’clock.

There was a heavy snow this particular New Year’s Eve and we were forced to head out on foot. We had been invited to a few parties and would have to pick the one within walking distance. A good friend of mine had invited me to a party at her house. She said I could bring all of my friends except one.

“No G!”

Now, how do you tell a friend they’re not invited to a party? Especially, when he’s in the group walking to the door with you. I figured we would hide him in the back and maybe she wouldn’t notice. She was smiling brightly when she opened the door and then she saw him standing there.

“You brought him?”

My hope she wouldn’t notice gone, I assured her,

“He’ll be fine.”

Words I would later regret.

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Enough Already!

Enough Already!


Cookies, sausage, fried shrimp, pepperoni, cookies, pasta, bread, cookies, chocolate covered popcorn, ham, cookies, chocolate covered pepperoni and cookies…I’ve eaten so much this week. My clothes that were big and loose are no longer big and loose…Chocolate covered pants…No mas!

With Christmas coming, I decided to have my lab work for my upcoming physical done last week. Then, I would be able to eat whatever I wanted during the holidays without worrying about how it affected my cholesterol.

As I left the office, with less blood than when I went in, I felt cleansed. Like I could eat whatever I wanted without having to worry about it for another year. What’s the worst thing I could possibly eat?

Do you know the “Iowa State Fair” actually offers a fried stick of butter on a stick? That’s right, they take a stick of butter, put a stick through it, cover it with batter and deep fry it. Then, in case that’s not bad enough for you, they drizzle it with a sugar glaze.

I could feel my arteries clog as I read about it. No mention of whether a doctor or nurse was standing by the stand with a defibrillator. You would think a lot of people would fall over dead just from eating a few bites.

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What Happened To Me?

What Happened To Me?


This never would’ve happened when I was younger. I didn’t take crap from anybody. It didn’t matter how big or how many, I wasn’t backing down. Looking back on it, testosterone was probably replacing brain cells. If I had taken time to think about the situation, I could have avoided quite a few severe beatings.

It may have been the town where I grew up or my ex-Marine father, but for some reason, I wasn’t going to be bullied. That’s what makes it so much harder to accept now. I don’t remember when it started. If I had noticed, I may have done something to stop it. Too late now though, the momentum is too great to stop.

What bothers me most, is that I’m getting pushed around by somebody 7 inches shorter than me, not to mention my weight advantage. But, there’s nothing I can do. I don’t know why I even try to stand up for myself. She just ignores me and does whatever the hell she wants.

One night last week she came home and announced,

“I’m tired of coming home and looking at the same thing every day.”

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