Archives for September 2019


Caption Contest

I’ll be home for Christmas…Maybe!

I’ll be a little late for work today…Who the hell am I kidding…I quit!

I think I’ll just pull over and cry for awhile.


OK, I gave you a few, now I’m taking the rest of the weekend off. It’s up to you.

Come up with a caption for this photo.

Whoever submits the best line will receive a free “Yes, I’m Aggravated” T-shirt.

Employees of Penn-Dot are not eligible. You should be working to fix this nightmare.

Winner to be announced Tuesday.



Sports Knights 1


Upcoming Show

Upcoming Show


A Teaching Moment

A Teaching Moment


As you read this, I’m between gigs in Wisconsin, Chicago and Indiana. I’ll be hanging with the best friend I ever made in this business, Nick Gaza. He’s the complete opposite of me. A gregarious, outgoing guy who makes friends and people around him laugh easily.

I, on the other hand, am an introvert offstage and people who don’t know me are usually afraid to approach me. I like it that way. On the other hand, psycho’s feel comfortable around me and approach me all the time. I don’t know why that is. I have no explanation.

Anyway, I will be taking the rest of the week off from this post as Nick and I work on what I hope will be a very funny video. Maybe two. If no videos come from our time together it’s probably because we finally got on each other’s nerves.

When I get home, I will be starting the next round of classes I teach. Beginning in October, I will have a second class at Community College of Allegheny County. One of the main things I stress in my Stand-Up classes is not to have an attitude before you have an act. You really should never have an attitude, but some people can’t help themselves.

My reason for writing this is a new person trying to get into the business, is starting by digging himself into a hole.

Apparently, he showed up for his first open mike and didn’t like the way things were handled. He put his name on the list and the list got shuffled and people were moved ahead of him. Here’s the deal. YOU’VE NEVER BEEN ONSTAGE BEFORE!

[Read more…]
