Archives for August 2021


Yeah, but no Worms

Yeah, but no Worms!


As we continue on with the battle against science and knowledge…you would think that…the word think is the important part. The ability to be able to ponder or accept reason is no longer part of the way we deal with this pandemic. Actually, it never was from the start.

Here in the educated part of the country, we’ve accepted what science tells us. Hospitalizations are way down or none existent for those of us who have been vaccinated but, what do we know.

In Florida, the Governor is insistent on doing anything to prevent the virus because, well, that makes sense. Apparently, there’s one party in our government where sense has gone out the window.

When you trust an imbecile and they tell you not to believe anything except what they tell you…oh, and the person is a moron…you’re probably not getting the best information.

As bad as Florida is, Mississippi makes them look like Disney. Oh, wait they do have Disney. Then there’s Alabama.

If you check your chart, Mississippi and Alabama are at the bottom of the education chart in this country. Do you know what that means? It means there’s a lot of idiots!

Anyway, Dear Leader (AKA the Village Idiot) spoke at a rally in Alabama last weekend and tried to tell people vaccines were good…Too late. You’ve spent your whole life lying to people. How can they believe you the one time you tell them the truth?

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Seems Kind of High

Seems Kind of High


Launching next year, Disney World in Florida is introducing a new Stars Wars Adventure…I guess it’s actually just a hotel…for your…I adventure. You know, if the adventure you’re looking for is getting ripped off.

For a mere $4200.00 for two nights…calm down, that’s for 2 people…Of course, it costs more if you bring the kids. Meals are included, although not alcohol. I kind of think if I was spending a couple grand a night on a hotel room, I would need some alcohol. Can only add to the whole adventure experience. At least make it more daring.

The rooms look pretty standard, just made up a little bit to look like the inside of a space capsule. Kind of like the way you had your bedroom made up when you were nine.

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