Whatever I Can Do
If you’re unaware…and chances are you don’t know, it’s National EMS week. I said I would do what I could to promote awareness. Writing this seemed easier than standing outside and screaming about it at the top of my lungs.
My first dealing with Northwest EMS…and they may have had a different name back then. It was early in my comedy career. I won’t tell you the year because I don’t want you to have to call the paramedics for yourself. If you knew my real age it would probably send you into shock because of my good-looking, youthful appearance…yeah, OK…shut up.
Anyway, I had some friends from school, including John Chamberlin from “YaJagoff,” working as paramedics. They had been called to the scene of an accident where a little boy had suffered injuries that would require multiple surgeries. The family didn’t have the insurance to cover the boy’s needs, so the EMS group decided to do what they could to help.